2 0 2 4 - E V E N T S L I S T Field Trips Monthly Lectures on Zoom Public 'Earth Discovery' Meetings ROCK SHOW ONLINE! Local Geology Stanmore Gravel Project Chalk Connections UK Geology by region About HHGS HHGS on YouTube Maurer's Tectonics JOIN US! HHGS on [X] formerly Twitter Newsletters Geology Links and Local Groups 50th Anniversary Celebrations (2023)
Tuesday October 8th Earth Discovery Session
2-4pm at Brunel University, Uxbridge.
Free, accessible and open to all. Register by email:
Wednesday October 9th Monthly Meeting
8pm Lecture on Zoom
Title: "Carbon Capture and Storage and the Future of Energy"
Speaker: Dr Gillian White (Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage)
To attend as a visitor, please email: contact@hhgs.org.uk
Regular visitors will be asked to become members.
Lecture Details
Field Trip Programme
Register your interest now for trips including Caesar's Camp (Farnham) daytrip, Dorset (3 days, 29 Sept-1 Oct).
Field Trip Programme 2024
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On 27th August, Bob Maurer presented his theory about the Rotating Earth and Plate Tectonics at the 10th Conference on Tectonics and Structural Geology of Iran.
To celebrate his achievements Bob has been awarded Honorary Membership of our Society and a dinner is being held on 4th September.
See the iran conference video presentation below:
Maurer paper, Okayama University
Okayama University's Earth Science Reports has published : "A new insight into the driving mechanism for plate tectonics - the relationship between tectonic processes and the circumferential tensile forces associated with a rotating planet."
The paper, in collaboration with Prof. Shigeyuki Suzuki, challenges the current belief that convection currents in the mantle are driving plate tectonics. It proposes a mathematically justified drive mechanism based on the unbalanced rotation of the Earth and shows that circumferential stresses are more than strong enough to drive the cyclic breakup and reassembly of the continental plates.
Contact Bob at :
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On 22 July 2024 we extended the vertical section exposing the gravel deposit in a bank bordering the Harrow Weald geological SSSI. We believe this is the only exposure of Stanmore Gravel available to be studied. Prof David Bridgland will give us an update on the study at our December meeting. See the Project page for more details
Uxbridge Rock Show!
Our annual event attracted more visitors than ever this year and we expanded our provision for local schools to visit. (5 - 22 February 2024 at Uxbridge Library)
click for our Rock Show Online
Golden Anniversary Newsletter Jan 2023 May 2023 Newsletter
Autumn 2022 Newsletter
Formed in 1973, the Society's aim is to advance public appreciation of geology by observation, discussion, field studies, research, illustrated talks and exhibitions. Memberships embraces all age groups from 16 years upwards, regardless of gender or race, and includes those with widely diversified interests. We have a lively program of meetings held on the second Wednesday of each month. Exhibitions at locations throughout the London Boroughs of Harrow and Hillingdon, and elsewhere, give members an opportunity to display aspects of their particular interests and their collections. We also have a good field trip programme to suit all tastes.