Zoom links for meetings If you would like to attend one of our online meetings, please email us for the Zoom link.
We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month on Zoom (and in person when feasible). Meeting details are sent to members and on request to visitors.
Most Zoom meetings centre on an illustrated talk by an invited guest, some take the form of field reports and some include discussions on topics of interest to our members. All aspects of geology are covered and discussed.
We meet up socially at various locations across our area and enjoy a full programme of field trips further afield to sites of geological interest.
Would you like to join us?
Visitors are welcome at our in-person meetings for a small attendance fee (£3).
Online you are welcome to join two Zoom meetings. Regular Zoom visitors will be asked to become members.
Please contact us for further information. Write to us at: contact@hhgs.org.uk
Becoming a Member Membership fees for 2022/23 will be as follows:
Single £18
Joint £24
Under 25 or accredited student £5
Please complete our Membership Form and email it to contact@hhgs.org.uk Download our Membership Form here.click [save as]
If you pay tax and are eligible for Gift Aid, please also send a completed Gift Aid form: Download our Gift Aid Form here.click [save as]
If you have any difficulty downloading the form we'll send it to you on request.
Outreach We arrange school visits and are able to tie in with the Year 3 Science curriculum.
For example, in January 2020 our hands-on rocks were taken to Lady Bankes Junior School for three sessions with the Year 3 pupils.
Although we are not currently able to visit schools, we hope to return to our normal outreach activities in the summer term, 2022. Please contact us for more information: contact@hhgs.org.uk Uxbridge Rock Show Every year we hold the Uxbridge Rock Show at Uxbridge Central Library. For two weeks we display rocks, minerals and fossils from our members' own collections. The show is open and free to all during Library opening hours, and is permanently staffed by our members.
Local schools can arrange visits to the show. We introduce the children to our 'hands-on' rocks, arranged as sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic displays, and encourage them to examine them closely. They also get to see our fluorescent rock display and a large range of fossils and minerals.
Local Events We attend local shows such as the Ruislip Woods Festival, Eastcote House Gardens open days and Norfest at RAF Northolt.
Local Earth Science group for the London Boroughs of Harrow and Hillingdon since 1973 Geologists' Association Local Group, London Geodiversity Partnership Member Group