Previous Field Trips to Geological Sites
G.A. Festival of Geology Displays
Explore the geological sites we have visited over 50 years - and enjoy the wonderful sights!
Virtual Field Trip to Pinner London and the South East
Virtual Field Trip to Uxbridge Central England
Virtual Field Trip to Central Harrow The South West and Jurassic Coast
Isle of Man (NEW for '22!)
North of England
Northwest Scotland (NEW for 22!)
North of Ireland (NEW for '22!)
Guernsey and Sark
Geological Sights!

For 2022, the Geologists' Association Festival of Geology supported International Geodiverstiy Day on 6th October.
Geodiversity is the variety of rocks, fossils, minerals, landforms, soils and natural processes that determine the character of our natural environment. We took this opportunity to celebrate our own extraordinary geodiversity in two ways:
  • Investigating the local Stanmore gravel found at Harrow Weald Common SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest). See discussion on YouTube.
  • Displaying highlights from field trips made by our own members at HHGS. The Geological Sights! virtual field trips display above remains for you to see the geological sites we have visited over 50 years - and enjoy the wonderful sights!