Harrow & Hillingdon Geological Society

Advancing public appreciation of geology by observation, discussion, field studies, research, illustrated talks and exhibitions.

Exhibitions and Events
February 6-23 2023
We hold an annual Rock Show with informative displays at Uxbridge Library.
The Society's members put items from their personal collections together to create an extensive exhibition of rocks, fossils, minerals and artefacts.
We link to key stage 2 science by visiting schools and supporting school visits to our Rock Show.
(Contact us to find out about school visits)
New for 2023:
Local Rivers - River Pinn and Yeading Brook
Stanmore Gravel Project - Citizen Science research project

Historical Highlights: Events and Exhibitions
The Society contributes displays for local events and national geology festivals. Take a look at our Historical Highlights for examples of what we've been involved with over the years.

Contact us if you would like us to attend a similar local event.

See our virtual display for the Geologists' Association Festival of Geology:
During lockdown we moved our Rock Show online.
This is now available as a permanent educational resource and will give you an idea of what visitors to the Uxbridge Library Rock Show can see.

Local Earth Science group for the London Boroughs of Harrow and Hillingdon since 1973
Geologists' Association Local Group, London Geodiversity Partnership Member Group